The ability to cut and shape objects made from many types of materials is especially important for industrial processes and when customizing parts. Using a water jet for cutting is one of the best and most unique ways to quickly cut and shape materials for countless uses. According to Grand View Research, the global market for water jet cutting reached $966.7 million in 2022. Here’s how water jet cutting works.
You already know water is one of nature's primary forces of erosion. Using a highly concentrated jet of water does the same thing, only it makes the erosion process a lot faster than water ever could do in a natural setting. Our jets create a very narrow and pressurized stream of water to cut into a variety of materials, including many of the hardest and most durable metals and other materials. A highly focused stream with sufficient force propelling it can make very smooth and precise cuts that don't deform metal with high heat or waste materials.
The water jet won’t work without very high pressure. The cutting mechanism uses a hydraulic pump to move water to an intensifier pump, which uses plungers to greatly pressurize the water. An accumulator creates a reservoir of highly pressurized water that you can track with a simple analog pressure gauge before the water goes to the outflow jet. Many water jets are computerized to enable computer-assisted design and cutting to ensure a perfect result every time.
Two types of water are used to create the cutting jet: abrasive water, which works best with very hard materials, and pure water, which works best on softer materials. The water jet cutting pump includes a chamber that mixes water and garnet sand sent through a high-pressure nozzle made from ruby, sapphire, or diamond. The mixture greatly improves the water’s cutting ability to make quick work of very hard metals and similar materials to create parts and products for industrial purposes or to create custom parts.
For more information on water jet cutting or to learn more about our services, don't hesitate to reach out to our experienced team at S&T Precision Cutting today. We're available to answer any questions you may have.
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